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Highlights from the Celebrate Life Book Tour and helpful articles on self care, mindfulness, and personal growth.

Helping Pediatricians Prevent Physician Burnout: Dr. Jill and Marcello Pedalino Deliver Onwards and Upwards Keynote in Denver

What a great week in Denver Colorado!

Dr. Jill and I had the pleasure of presenting our keynote “Onwards and Upwards” (How to prioritize your health and live your best life) to some of the best pediatricians and medical professionals from across the country at the 2024 PCC Users Conference.

It was an awesome multi-day event that featured tons of education, inspiration, and resources for all attendees.

The focus of our presentation was help doctors take better care of themselves so they can take better care of their patients.

I’m delighted to report that the feedback and reviews were very positive!

Cheers! -m

Marcello Pedalino