Celebrate Life: Carolyn Strombeck Turns 100 Years Old!
Our beautiful friend and neighbor enjoyed hugs, kisses, flowers, birthday cards, a 40-car party parade caravan with a police escort from Sparta's Finest, a personalized centenarian balloon art stage, a photo montage, a delicious cake, a video tribute from out-of-town friends and family including a lovely woman, Gill Wilson who was pen pals with Carolyn's daughter for 60 years who lives in New Zealand,, and gorgeous sunny weather!
Special thanks to:
-Ewa Wojtowicz-Iden from Balloons and Beyond as well as Juan and Mel from Marquee and Drops for designing such an amazing stage centerpiece for Carolyn!
-Danielle Wilkinson for organizing and coordinating all of the cars and Spartans for the parade and adding such a super-fun touch! Carolyn loved every second of it.
-Sparta Mayor Neill W. Clark for the thoughtful proclamation. Carolyn was so impressed!
-Cathy Adubato Vonderahe for bringing over Carolyn's delicious Birthday cake! There were only 2 small pieces left and Carolyn asked to take both home!
-Sparta Police and EMT for keeping everyone safe as always and for bringing such positive energy to the event!
-Everyone from Sparta and beyond who took time out of their busy schedules to send a card, flowers, donated books to the library in Carolyn's name, and/or participate in the parade!
-…and to my incredible wife, Dr. Jill, from Healthy Kids Pediatrics, for making 10 custom word searches for Carolyn. (Carolyn does a couple each day to keep her mind sharp) Jill included 15 words/events/phrases that were related to each decade that Carolyn has been alive. Each guest at our little after party took home a copy of these as well so they can share in the fun. Jill also handed out "100" grand bars to everyone who drove by as a little way to say thanks for being a part of the celebration! Jill also spent the past coupla months helping with all of the event planning and production details.
A "few" people from the parade came back afterwards to get an extra hug and kiss from the birthday girl before our lunch gathering.
Carolyn with her family- (Standing Top from Left) Caden & Silas, Bob & Amanda). (Siting Bottom from Left) Ray, Carolyn, Madelyn, and Gavin
In my first book, Celebrate Life, one of the big points is to make sure you that if you want to say something nice about someone or do something nice for someone... Don't wait! Don't wait for the funeral. Tell that person you love them right now. Give them a handshake, hug, and a kiss right now. Say the nice thing you want to say to them right now..... while they are still here to feel your embrace and appreciate your kind words.
Thank you all for helping us make sure that Carolyn knows just how much she is loved, respected, admired, and appreciated. And thank you for helping us all remember that despite the headlines there are a LOT of really good people in this world and a LOT of really good things happening out there.
Onwards and upwards...
Cheers, -m
ps. For Carolyn’s family and friends who would like to watch the photo montage and video tribute, click here and here.