Own The Story- Marcello Recommends: 7 Tools For Life by Arnold Schwarzenegger 

"Things have gotten so bad out there in the culture that [people] are seeking out someone they can trust, someone who refuses to play bullsh-t games, someone who tries to be ruthlessly positive when everyone else is being relentlessly negative." -Arnold Schwarzenegger 

I enjoy reading about or talking to people who are imperfect and willing to admit it. People who changed the world with their work or words. People who gave the finger to the status quo and said "we can do better."  In addition to his own story, Arnold's latest book highlights some great quotes and little factoids from the world's most curious, motivated, and dominant success stories in our history. 

My favorite part of the book featured how Schwarzenegger and his gubernatorial team handled the mask shortage during the pandemic.  It was all about following up, following though, and being a logistical sniper. 

I'm looking forward to the Netflix documentary.  

Cheers, -m 


Why I chose to Sit in the Hot Tub and Not in the Classroom: Marcello Pedalino Talks with Canvas Rebel Magazine about The Entrepreneurial Spirit


From Arizona to New York, The Onwards and Upwards Book Tour continues...