What Would Life Be If We Had No Courage To Attempt Anything?

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?” —Vincent van Gogh

The Lake Mohawk Ski Hawks promote teamwork, community, and family. The 55 year-old team continues to put on amazing local shows here in Sparta and compete in regional championships.

Isabella and I had the fortunate opportunity this Summer to practice alongside these incredible athletes and make some awesome new friends.

We both had plenty of time on the water, but the experience was so much bigger than that. We tried new things that made us a little nervous and that were outside of our comfort zone. We tried some pretty hard things that we knew we weren't good at- in front of other people. We stumbled and fell (a lot) but got back up and tried again. We cleaned up the seemingly-never ending goose poop off the dock and carried a bunch of team gear back and forth each practice to help the team get ready to rehearse. We wrapped and carried so many ski ropes from returning boats on the dock so many times that I lost count after the first hundred.

Whether you're 14 years-old or 50, it's a perfect experience if you want to build character and enjoy and a nice slice of humble pie.

Isabella and I both enjoy performing and live event productions so when the sun was out, the costumes were on, and the crowd was cheering at the finale Labor Day show, it didn't matter if we only had a small part or a supportive role... just being a part of something new, fun, and exciting that was putting smiles on people's faces filled up our positive vibe tanks to the brim.

Thank you Meghan, Derek, Tom, Erin, and everyone from the Ski Hawk family for your kindness, hospitality, and helping to make this a Summer to remember.

Onwards and upwards...

Cheers, -m


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