From Aruba to Arizona, The Onwards and Upwards Book Tour continues...

From Aruba to Arizona, The Onwards and Upwards Book Tour continues...

What a pleasure it was to visit Hilton Phoenix Tapatio Cliffs Resort and get to know a few VIP members of their exceptional Front Desk hospitality team.

We talked about their "secret sauce" for earning so many positive reviews and how they keep their team members on track to continuously deliver such a warm and friendly experience to their guests.

Robbie Doherty , one of the standout team members shared that the gorgeous and serene setting of the resort grounds played a major role in his positive attitude and stellar performance. He also mentioned that his personal approach to hospitality "comes from the top down." Robbie and so many others get their daily inspiration from awesome managers like Michael Pecanowki.

When I asked Michael about his process for helping his team deliver such affable and authentic interactions with Tapatio's guests, he said that "I encourage them to do what I do and just act like my family is visiting and keep it natural."

We also discussed some of the challenges that the team faces before and after work. It turns out that making sleep a higher priority and reducing stress were at the top of the list. Fortunately, the Onwards and Upwards book and keynote offer plenty of helpful tips to get your sleep hygiene back on track and practical strategies for lowering your over-all stress levels.

As always, everyone knows that when your team takes better care of themselves, your team will take better care of your clients.

Speaking of stress reduction and getting a good night's sleep, The Tapatio Resort is a perfect place to visit if you like to hike, (try the North Mountain trail) treat yourself to a delicious meal (try A Different Pointe Of View: Pointe At Tapatio Cliffs) and, relax at one of their seven pools. (try the one with the water slide if you want to take a little sip from the fountain of youth)

Cheers! -m

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From Arizona to New York, The Onwards and Upwards Book Tour continues…


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