A Little Hometown Love from The Sparta Independent for Onwards and Upwards

Special thanks to Alena DeLouise, Kathy Shwiff, and The Sparta Independent for the book feature article and interview this week! -Cheers, -m

Sparta resident Marcello Pedalino says people have to change their environment to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In his second book, “Onwards and Upwards: How to Prioritize Your Health and Live Your Best Life,” he accentuates the importance of a person’s environment.

“ ‘Onwards and Upwards’ focuses on deliberately creating the best possible environment so you can stack the odds of living a healthy lifestyle in your favor,” he said.

“The ultimate goal is for your lifestyle to be an organic outcome of your natural habitat vs. the result of relying on sheer willpower to create a forced temporary habit that will most likely flame out after a few weeks.”

Through his books and presentations, Pedalino, a certified fitness trainer and nutrition consultant, aims to empower people to find work-life integration, prioritize their health and experience the joy they deserve.

“Onwards and Upwards” is a continuation of his first book, “Celebrate Life: How to Live It Up, Discover Fulfillment, and Experience the Joy You Deserve.”

“I wrote my first book, ‘Celebrate Life,’ so my daughter, Isabella, would be able to learn all of the life lessons that I’d ever want to teach her,” he said.

“I covered things like taking care of yourself, keeping good company, doing what you love, the importance of traveling, making a difference, evolving and letting things go.”

Pedalino and his wife, Jill, a pediatrician and author of two children's books, integrate their fitness-centered lifestyle while working as a team.

“I have gotten much smarter about sleep, stress, nutrition and exercise thanks to my wife, Jill, who is incredibly dialed-in when it comes to health and wellness,” he said. “Throughout the book, (Jill) lends her medical expertise and female perspective, which many women have said they really appreciated.”

The couple’s book-signing event in early May featured awards for “very inspirational people” who are making a difference in the lives of others. They donated funds raised there to the Wounded Warrior Project.

“Making a donation when Jill and I organize our annual Celebrate Life bike rides, hikes and luncheon events is the least we can do to show a small token of our appreciation, admiration and respect,” Pedalino said.

His dedication to celebrating life resonates with audiences, and he’s learned during the years that “it’s OK to ask for help when you need it.”

SI- When did your interest in a healthy lifestyle begin? 

MP - My 5th grade gym teacher, Mr. Bob Schutz, always made fitness fun.  He constantly had his students going outside to do cool and creative activities like navigating an obstacle course, snow shoeing, and participating in little cross country running adventures.  Mr. Schutz was always in great shape and had a positive attitude, too, so he was a great role model.  When I moved here to Sparta, I was excited to learn that Bob was also a resident and still biking, hiking, and living an active lifestyle.

SI- Randy Bartlett endorsed you using the words “... because of a lifetime of good choices, with a few poor choices thrown in to create the real experience of learning and living.” Can you address how those poor choices strengthened your vulnerability?

MP- Over the years, I've learned that it's okay to ask for help when you need it. I'm not exactly the Brene Brown touchy feely-type when it comes to vulnerability, but I've learned that following your heart and trusting your gut is usually a winning combination- especially when you find someone whom you can finally trust and depend on when life seems to throw the kitchen sink at you.

SI- What is one piece of advice you’d give your younger self in light of your career now?

MP-  I'd tell my younger self to avoid doing business with friends as much as possible.  Of the two regrets I have in life, losing a friend because of professional disagreements is a situation that usually can and should be avoided. It was a long time ago and I was pretty new to the world of being an entrepreneur so I just didn't have the maturity or foresight to know better.  You should never put money over friendship.  True friends don't come around often so when you find one make every effort to make that relationship a priority.

 SI- You recently raised money for the Wounded Warrior Project. What made you choose that organization? Are there any other charities you donate to

MP- I've always been in awe of our soldiers who have the courage and bravery to fight or make the ultimate sacrifice for their country.  I learned about the Wounded Warrior Project many years ago and it just made sense.  I love America and these wonderful freedoms that the U.S. military affords its citizens.  Making a donation when Jill and I organize our annual Celebrate Life bike rides, hikes, and luncheon events is the least we can do to show a small token of our appreciation, admiration, and respect.      


From Aruba to Arizona, The Onwards and Upwards Book Tour continues...


Sunshine and Positive Vibes: The 2023 Celebrate Life Ride in New York City!