Marcello Pedalino Returns to PIX11Studios in New York for Another Healthy Lifestyle Segment- Sitting Is The New Smoking

I stopped by the PIX11 studios in New York for another Healthy Lifestyle segment.

I shared some tips on how you can stand up more while you are at the office or working from home. Here are few highlight clips and tips.

-Sitting is the new smoking.

-If you sit too much, you have a 34% chance of dying from cardiovascular disease.

-Use a stand up desk to reduce back pain, improve circulation, and stay focused longer.

-Stand up and take a stretch break every hour.

-If you drive, park in a spot farther away than you normally do. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. At lunch time make sure you are getting up from your desk or table. Make an effort to find a coworker or two who can join you for a few laps around your building.

-If you make a lot of phone calls during the day, try standing up for every other call.

-If you need some accountability, try using a Fitbit device and app or an Oura ring to ensure that you are meeting your daily step goals. These will also remind you to get up and stretch if you’ve been sitting down too long.

Cheers, -m


Colorado Here We Come! Marcello & Dr. Jill Pedalino to Speak at PCC Physician Conference


Marcello Pedalino serves at The Master of Ceremonies at Flavors Beyond Borders ‘24