Virginina This Morning- CBS 6- Marcello Pedalino- Celebrate Life (Medium).jpg


Highlights from the Celebrate Life Book Tour and helpful articles on self care, mindfulness, and personal growth.

Ron Brown: Generosity and Integrity in the Entertainment & Event Production Industry

Shout out to this awesome human. Always willing to take calls about tech stuff and offer solutions. (3).png

I love people that make the sun shine through the clouds. People that "get it." People that know how to treat others. People that do the right thing even when no one else is looking. And, if they happen to do all that with a cool cowboy kinda accent, even better.

A shout out to this awesome human. Ron Brown is always willing to take my calls about tech stuff and offer thoughtful solutions. His generosity and leadership skills continue to shine in the entertainment and event production industry. I appreciate you, my friend.






Marcello Pedalino