Marcello Pedalino, Author

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From New Jersey to North Carolina, The Celebrate Life Book Tour Continues with Joe Bunn and The DJ's Vault Live Webinar

From New Jersey to North Carolina, The Celebrate Life Book Tour continues!

What a great way to start the day. Enjoyed the test call this morning with my good friend, uber-talented entertainer, and social marketing guru, Joe Bunn.

Lookin' forward to taking questions, sharing some lifestyle tips, and talkin' a little industry shop with The DJ’s Vault members on their live webinar this Wednesday night, 9/23/20 @ 8:00 pm EST. If you're not a Vault member yet and would like to benefit from the massive amount of helpful content that Joe produces every month, contact him today to sign up.

Onwards and upwards!

Cheers, -m

#CelebrateLife #KeepGoodCompany #VIP