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Highlights from the Celebrate Life Book Tour and helpful articles on self care, mindfulness, and personal growth.

Marcello Pedalino Attends The 19th Annual "Kindness Matters" Summit with Kyle Scheele

Kyle Scheele, Kindness Matters

Special thanks to Sparta N.J.'s Superintendent, Dr. Rossi, Helen Morgan Pto, and Becky Carlson from The Center for Prevention & Counseling for the front row seat to this year’s #Kindness Matters Summit.

Kyle Scheele delivered an inspiring keynote that reminded everyone that “The world changes from the bottom up” and then students from all over Sussex County, New Jersey treated the audience to performances that were filled with creative and heart-felt ways to inspire more kindness.

Kyle is very entertaining and has a wonderful way of making everyone in the audience feel comfortable. He's also full of great content, life lessons, and suggestions on how to make the world a kinder place. It starts with you, then your family, then your school, then your neighborhood.

He and I also agree that one of the best ways to invest your time is to hang out with senior citizens. They been through it all and pretty much have all the answers. :)

Marcello Pedalino CFT, CNC , Kindness Matters, Fitness Trainer, Author of Celebrate Life, Yoga, Lesley Henry, Garylord Resort Rockies

Kudos to the “Kindness Team" for bringing together so many awesome people today. The high school auditorium was ignited with positive energy and hope.

Cheers, -m

Marcello Pedalino