Be A Finisher: 3 Ways to Follow Through On Your New Year's Resolution
Marcello Pedalino
You've probably seen a lot of New Year's resolution posts litter Facebook and Instagram over the years that ultimately ended up in a social media graveyard of unfulfilled pledges.
Like many things in life, moderation is the key. If you start off by saying you want to lose 40 pounds and get a six pack, you'll soon realize that that's a pretty lofty goal and will take a considerable amount of time and dedication to accomplish if done safely.
Try this:Start with a more realistic and less dauntinggoal of losing 5 pounds and walking around the block once a day at lunchtime. Try to eliminate 1 night of drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. Try to get an additional 30 minutes of sleep per night and try to eliminate 30 minutes of screen time after dinner. Instead of just throwing out a number and a "look" that you think you deserve, you'll start laying the foundation for healthier lifestyle choices. By making the smaller goals more attainable, you'll start to gain momentum, consistency, and measurable results that can deliver a new lease on life. And don't forget to celebrate your successes along the way. Instead of waiting until you lose the entire 40 pounds, make a big deal about accomplishing each and every 5 pound milestone. The positive mojo and energy will really help you continue to fuel your efforts.